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Helpful Links

​Below are links to external websites. If you have suggestions for materials to link to this page, please provide that information in an email to

Educational Videos:
Advocating for Your Child's Education:
  • The Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting process can be intimidating. Preparing is the key to success. Here’s a link to 10 common IEP mistakes and how to avoid them
  • School not letting you observe your child in class? All you want to do is learn about his/her setting so you can be a better advocate and help prepare an effective IEP? Here’s an article that provides information and arguments for your right to observe your child and how it is not against privacy laws protecting records or ‘identifiable information.​
Materials for Grandparents:
Autism Research & Educational Materials:
Higher Education
  • Planning for College. In addition to campus support, students with disabilities are protected under federal, state and local laws, which prohibit discrimination and ensure equal access to the same quality and level of education.  This website offers a brief list of links to web applications and software programs that aid students with various disabilities. It is also provides an overview of the legal rights of students with disabilities, as well as advice and next steps when considering which college to attend.


Spanish Language Resources
  • Autism Source (TM) – Spanish Language. Live Information and Referral &Referral services available via the Autism Society by calling (800) 3 AUTISM (800-328-8476) or via email to Regular hours of operation are 9am-9pm. A live Spanish speaking Information & Referral specialist is available everyday of the week. Spanish speaking families and individuals on the autism spectrum can call the Autism Society’s contact center, Autism Source, and live bi-lingual Spanish/English specialists are available from 9 am – 1 pm Monday through Friday and Saturday and Sunday from 1 pm- 5 pm to respond to their questions. 

Government Resources:
Resource Databases:
  • Pathfinder. Many Tennessee agencies provide disability information and referral services. The Council on Developmental Disabilities worked with the John F. Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development at Vanderbilt University to create an internet community for families and professionals/service providers seeking disability resources. A few clicks on the free website can locate disability information in each Tennessee county and explore Tennessee’s many organizations offering essential services, information and networking opportunities. In addition, information and referral services are available in English and in Spanish from the Tennessee Disability Pathfinder Office by calling toll-free l-800-640-INFO (4636); or (615) 322-8529.

  • Autism Source. Search nationwide autism-related services and supports by location or service type. The Autism SourceTM Resource Database, created in 2004, is the most comprehensive database of its kind. The Autism Society strives to offer only credible and reliable resources to our constituents, therefore we have employed our nationwide network of chapters and collaborated with other autism organizations and professionals throughout the U.S. It is because of these collaborative relationships that the Resource Database continues to grow and is kept current with comprehensive resource listings.

  • The Autism ExchangeThis autism-information database acts as an interactive website designed to make internet searches faster and easier for parents. The site organizes information and resources into appropriate groupings like Diet, Education, or Parent Info to make it easy to browse and explore available resources. The site is free, but a subscription is available for additional services.

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