Autism Center

2019 Conference Presentations
2019 Workshops
This page lists the 2019 presentation titles, presenters, descriptions, and learning objectives. Presentations are divided into six tracks: Parents of Children with Level 1 Autism, Parents of Children with Level 2 & 3 Autism, Educators, Adults, Medical, and Spanish Language. Some speakers have given the CAC permission to upload their presentations, and you will find the links for those under the talk title.
Click here to download Spanish Language agenda / Agenda de Presentaciones en Espanol
Inclusion and Early Education; Let's Start At The Very Beginning
Presenters: Pam Hudson, M. Ed & Jenni Edge, BS: SpE
Description: The presenters will discuss the benefits of Inclusive Early Childhood Education and how to setup inclusive services so that ALL children (and staff) achieve success.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to:
Explain the concept and at least five benefits of Inclusion
Define at least two types of Inclusion Services;
Describe at least three examples of collaborative partnerships and why these partners are so important
Please Behave: The Whys of Challenging Behavior
Presenter: Holly Blanc Moses, MS BCBA LPC LPA
Description: Disruptive behavior in school can significantly impact learning and social relationships. This session will focus on understanding the reasons why students engage in challenging behavior, how to identify gaps in communication, and how to link behavior and effective strategies.
Learning Objectives: The attendees will:
Learn 3 ways to identify gaps between expectation and ability,
Identify more than 3 reasons for challenging behavior
Describe how the reasons for challenging behavior leads to effective strategies
Teaching Social Skills using BST: Behavior Skills Training.
Presenter: Jennifer Powell, M. Ed., LBA, BCBA
Description: Ms Powell will discuss Behavior Skills Training (BST) and how it is based on applied behavior analysis (ABA) technology. She will demonstrate how BST can be used to teach social skills to individuals who have a deficit in social and emotional skills. Each of the four step process will be defined with strategies to instruct, model, rehearse and give feedback to help individuals learn social skills that can be generalized to the classroom, community and home.
Learning Objectives:The attendee will be able to:
Describe the four steps of BST: Instruction, Modeling, Rehearsing, and Feedback.
Implement strategies for each step to help individuals generalize the various social skills to all settings.
Meeting Behavioral Needs in the Classroom Through a Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Presenter: Miller Foutch, M. Ed, Amy Thomson, BCBA, Mary Haymaker, BCBA, & Jennifer Powell, BCBA
Description: Response to Instruction and Intervention – Behavior (RTI2-B) is a Multi-Tiered System of Supports that offers a powerful, evidence-based approach for meeting the behavioral and social needs of students in Tennessee schools. Each tier of the framework involves careful reflection on the needs of students, the design of interventions matching those needs, and the collection of data to evaluate progress. The presenters will demonstrate how educators can use this system and it’s support services in the most efficient and effective way. The presentation’s focus will be on building capacity in schools, and across districts to serve students with challenging behavior in the least restrictive environment.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to
Describe the collaborative relationships between the schools and local agencies, service providers, and advocacy groups as well as the partnerships with regional and state organizations.
Describe the supports that are available to meet the diverse learning and behavioral needs in classrooms
Allow students to meaningful access to curriculum in the least restrictive environment without disrupting the learning atmosphere
For the Love of Autism - Teach Me Like I'm Yours
Presenters: LaTonya Winfrey, LPSC
Description: Teaching a child on the spectrum can be overwhelming and mind-blowing. Join LaTonya Winfrey as she utilizes her experiences as a professional school counselor and parent of a son diagnosed with autism to present strategies for working with students inside and outside of the classroom. Walk away with strategies to advocate for your students.
Learning Objectives:Attendees will learn how to
Set up productive learning environments for students
Advocate for students' inclusion in classroom and extracurricular activities
Access early intervention services and create support groups
Parents 1
Social Skills Strategies for Parents
Presenters: Lauren Maples, COTA/L
Description: Social skills are an important tool in the daily function of children and adults with autism. The development of social skills in children prepares them for healthy interactions with peers in all aspects of life. One of the most valuable skills we can teach our children is how to be kind to others. It is not only important to share these skills with our children on the spectrum but with all children
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to
Identify the need for social skills
Implement strategies for teaching social skills to your kids
Young Adults: Panel Discussion
Presenters: Dell Zimmerman, Eric Zimmerman, Molly Skiles, Moderator: Scott Kramer, MSEd
Description: Young autistic adults will tell stories of their childhood and their transition. They’ll discuss the successes and obstacles and also what they plan for the future. Parents may see glimmers of their own kids in these fantastic young adults.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to
Tell the childhood stories as told by multiple autistic adults as it relates to their different strengths and difficulties.
Describe the obstacles that go along with transitioning to adulthood and ways to overcome them.
Incentive Plans and Reinforcement- Are They Bribes or Rewards?
Presenter: Meridith Pettigrew, M.Ed
Description: Is it a bribe or is it a reward? This continues to have educators, parents, and support staff confused and in disagreement. No matter how you feel about rewards/incentives, research has shown that they work. Student behavior in classrooms, schools, homes, and work environments can be positively influenced by incentive based programming. We need to be motivated! As we are all motivated differently, reward systems can look very different from person to person and from group to group. Ms Pettigrew will explain and demonstrate how several rewards systems are used. And because creativity is key, you will learn how to put a new and exciting spin on current reward systems.
Learning Objectives:Attendees will be able to
Identify the difference between bribes and incentives
Use extrinsic incentives (physical and intangible rewards) to create intrinsic motivation
Describe concrete examples of intervention
Implement strategies at home, or classroom, or therapy session
You Are Not Alone-Family Voices of TN SE Partnership
Presenter: Lisa Spurlock
Description: As a parent do you feel that you are an equal member of your child’s healthcare team? Do you feel you are heard and honored as your child’s most consistent healthcare provider? We would like to introduce a new support to families in our area: Family Voices of Tennessee Southeastern Partnership. Who are we and what do we offer? Connecting families with each other and resources, training to become advocates, and leading alongside to ensure families are not only heard but parents voices are honored. This session will give a more in-depth description of how this process works and how to access these services as well as discussing family centered care.
Learning Objectives:Attendees will be able to
Describe the new new partnership and the goal of Family Voices
List details about how Family Voices program works
Airborne Autistics: Dealing with Hotel Stays, Flights, and More
Presenter: Miyah Sundermeyer
Description: Autism touches the lives of people across the world in every area of life, including travel. Yet many parents and guardians fear that the airport environment may be overwhelming to their autistic children. Others attempt to travel but have to cancel their plans due to meltdowns or panic attacks. Miyah Sundermeuer will discuss tactics (such as airport rehearsal tours) that can make traveling easier for people with autism.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to:
Identify helpful resources at the airport
Implement tactics that can make traveling easier
Share these tools with others in the community
Parents 2
Using Video Modeling for Challenging Behaviors
Presenters: Tom Buggy, PhD
Description: All forms of video modeling (self, peer, and point-of-view) are research-based with the majority of work being carried out with persons with autism. The tech needed to make and edit good videos is available to anyone with a phone, tablet, or computer. This will be a "how-to" with sample videos and other resources to help people adopt the methods.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to
Implement the best form of video modeling for the given situation
Create videos using editing software
Understand the reasons why VM is specifically helpful for those with autism.
Promoting Safe and Healthy Relationships for All
Presenter: Katie Thune, MA Ed, & Anna Hayek, BA
Description: Children with autism want relationships but can be vulnerable to bullying and even sexual abuse. Concrete education on healthy relationships is essential. Learn to help children understand their bodies, recognize what discomfort feels like, and provide guides for boundaries around relationships and sexuality.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to
Describe background on sexual education for people with autism
Discuss potential sexual education strategies
Support their children to have safe and healthy relationship
Visual Supports Are My Super Power!
Presenter: Meridith Pettigrew, M.Ed
Description: This presentation will cover 5 specific types of visual supports for the novice, and new and fresh ideas for the pro! Preparing visual supports can be overwhelming if you are unfamiliar with how to do it...but all you need is motivation and respect. Start becoming a behavior expert and change your behavior as an instructor. When you do, you will soon gain an amazing respect for using visuals. After realizing how much you use visual supports yourselves, you’ll see how to provide the same supports for your kids. This presentation will also offer several other ideas and resources to re-energize those who have a good understanding of visual supports.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to
Explain WHY visual supports are used as a preventative intervention
Explain HOW visual supports are used as a preventative intervention
Recognize how often they as adults use visual supports throughout their day
List 5 concrete visual interventions to implement in the classroom
Effective Strategies to Prevent Meltdowns in Children with Autism
Presenter: Holly Blanc Moses, MS BCBA LPC LPA
Description: Meltdowns create stress for children and their families. This session will focus on effective, "doable" strategies to prevent meltdowns, improve skills, and support the parent-child relationship.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to demonstrate
3 ways to provide effective instructions
3 ways to identify gaps between expectation and ability
3 ways to show your child time, expectations, and progress
ABLE Accounts; How Stable Are They?
Presenter: John G. Huisman, Attorney at Law, J.D
Description: ABLE Accounts, Special Needs Trusts (SNT), Conservatorships & Guardianships, Powers of Attorney, Insurance and other legal planning documents and subjects. How useful are ABLE Accounts and when are they a fit rather than a SNT? Learn this and about other important legal issues and options for your family. Question and answer time included. Ask whatever questions you want. Get free advice on your specific needs and issues!
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to
Explain the differences between various legal options and tools available to them
Determine which legal action(s) and documents are best for meeting their loved one's and their family's needs,
Describe financial alternatives and explain how to use them effectively
Social Anxiety in Adults with ASD
Presenter: Steven Altabet, PhD
Description: This presentation will address how social anxiety affects adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ranging from participating in daily work and community activities to establishing and developing intimate relationships.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to:
Discuss effects of social anxiety on adult activities
Demonstrate techniques to lower social anxiety in general public settings
Discuss importance of matching intensity/closeness of relationships with current social skills and interest level
Describe the role of emotional awareness, expression, and empathy in developing intimacy
Sex and Dating on the Spectrum
Presenter: Dia Neighbors
Description: Sex ed and dating skills training appropriate for the needs of Aspies are nearly impossible to find. In this presentation, Dia will discuss the complications of dating, desire, and gender roles that we face, and offer solutions for helping your own community fill the need for better, safer, evidence-based sexual education for spectrum people.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to
Discuss why appropriate sex ed and dating skills are vital to a healthy life, but hard to find
Speak more clearly about their personal needs and define boundaries with romantic interests
Name both the threats and benefits of seeking companionship
Describe the steps to starting community-based sex ed and relationship skills training for those on the spectrum in their area.
ABLE Accounts; How Stable Are They?
Presenters: John G. Huisman, Attorney at Law, J.D
Description: ABLE Accounts, Special Needs Trusts (SNT), Conservatorships & Guardianships, Powers of Attorney, Insurance and other legal planning documents and subjects. How useful are ABLE Accounts and when are they a fit rather than a SNT? Learn this and about other important legal issues and options for your family. Question and answer time included. Ask whatever questions you want. Get free advice on your specific needs and issues!
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to
Explain the differences between various legal options and tools available to them
Determine which legal action(s) and documents are best for meeting their loved one's and their family's needs
Describe financial alternatives and explain how to use them effectively.
Travel Like an Aspie!
Presenter: Katie Oswald
Description: Travel Like an Aspie tells one autistic adult’s story of traveling to all seven continents, and provides a framework for others on the spectrum to travel in a way that meets their unique needs. The session will cover challenges experienced during travel, a new way to think about travel, strategies for preventing and managing meltdowns, and how to plan for travel. Adults on the spectrum and parents of autistic individuals will leave the session ready to plan their next trip.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to:
Choose the best options for their budget, destination, transportation, lodging, and activities
Describe strategies for self-care when traveling
Experience through travel the things that can’t be learned from a book or classroom
Mindfulness and Movement
Presenter: Katie Thune, MA Ed, & Anna Hayek, BA
Description: In this workshop, participants will take time for self care, explore the power of breath and movement, learn about mindfulness, and discuss neuroscience implications. Yoga Calm is an innovation education method that reduces stress and engages both the mind and body for learning. It helps develop emotional intelligence, communication skills, social skills, trust, and empathy.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to
Utilize breathing tools for calming and focusing self
Explore mindful movement for regulation of self
Practice guided relaxation
Review of Evidence-Based Autism Treatments
Presenters: Ken Pittman, MD
Description: Autism treatments include medications, therapies, and "alternative" treatments. Dr. Pittman will review the evidence basis for these treatments, and will present a model for balancing risks and benefits in the treatment of autism based on current evidence.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to:
Identify the presence or lack of evidence for common autism treatments
Identify key risks associated with various treatments
Balance the evidence for risks and benefits in choosing autism treatments.
A Medical Provider’s Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis
Presenter: John Staubitz, M.Ed., BCBA
Description: Scientists and practitioners within the discipline of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) address behavioral issues of social significance. Many behavior analysts work to assess and provide treatment for children and adults with autism. There is now a substantial evidence base for these approaches. Mr. Staubitz will review the needs addressed by ABA, its research base, and the assessment and treatment techniques related to autism.
Learning Objectives:Attendees will be able to:
Summarize the research basis for ABA as an approach to treating children and adults with autism
Identify at least two assessments and at least one ABA treatment methodology
List behaviors and needs for which ABA-based interventions have strong empirical support.
Early Identification of Autism
Presenter: Nancy Carnevale, MD
Description: Dr. Carnevale will provide an overview of autism in the early years, focusing on early identification and treatment.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to:
Describe the importance of early identification of autism
List the reg flags for ASD that may show up on clinical office probes and tools
Describe the basics of early play and social communication milestones
Identify DSM V criteria for autism
Identify autism screening and diagnostic tools
Describe the referral process
Best Practices for Successful Treatment of People with Autism
Presenter: Karen Weigle, PhD
Description: This presentation is aimed at physicians and will provide information on: common health conditions associated with autism, tips for environmental and interactional strategies that ease evaluation, and how some conditions may present differently in people with autism. There will be opportunity for questions and discussion as well.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to:
List at least three accommodations that can be made to decrease anxiety and improve participation in evaluation.
Identify five of the most common co-morbid medical conditions associated with autism.
Describe interview strategies to help persons with autism and their families better communicate with their medical providers.
Helping Your Patients Find Resources
Presenter: Dave Buck, PhD & Amber Doolittle
Description: One of the challenges medical professionals face is knowing where to refer patients for autism-related services. Dr. Dave Buck and Amber Doolittle will summarize the types of resources available in the community for autism assessments, therapy, support, and education. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of these resources, and be equipped to make referrals for patients with autism.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to:
Describe the types of services and resources available for individuals with autism
Make appropriate referrals to autism-related resources within the community