Autism Center
2024 Summer Camps & Regional Programs
Below are categories of different types of services and resources in our region. Each category lists the names of the providers. To get more details about any of the providers, click on the category titles. If you would like us to add a resource or update a resource, contact us at 423-531-6961 opt.0 or email info@chattanoogaautismcenter.org
Educational Programs
Chattanooga Christian School
Description: This Program offers a selection of exciting and engaging Days Camps and Specialty Camps for students Preschool (age 3) through 12th grade. These programs encourage students to explore new disciplines, interests, and hobbies and continue learning throughout the summer months. The Chattanooga Christian School also offers a need based financial aid summer camp for families if needed.
Website: https://www.ccsk12.com/camps/summer-camps
Phone: 423.265.6411
Specialty Camps: Check out Website for descriptions on the different specialty camps offered.
From 9 AM - 12 PM or 1 PM - 4 PM
May 28-31
June 3-7
June 10-14
June 17-21
June 24-28
July 8-12
July 15-19
July 22-26
July 29-Aug 2
Day Camp: https://www.ccsk12.com/camps/day-camp
From 9 AM - 4 PM with before and after camp care provided if needed. For each camp there are 3- and 5-day options.
Day Camps: Our Day Camp is chock-full of physical, scientific, and creative activities each day! Day campers are grouped by age to ensure that all activities are exciting as well as age appropriate. Join us for themed activities, crafts, and crazy dress-up days. Day Camp will run for 8 weeks from June 3 to August 2. For each Day Camp, there is a 2-day, 3-day and a 5-day option
Day Camp with The Learning Center: Day Camp with The Learning Center provides a safe and supportive environment for children ages K-12th grade who might require additional staff supervision, assistance in the restroom, or help with behavior beyond what is available with the staff-to-student ratio in the standard Day Camp for CCS. Students will still enjoy the activities of CCS Day Camp with their typically-developing peers but with additional supports in place. (8 week-long sessions starting June 3rd-August 2nd).
Day Camps
The Camps at Signal Centers
Description: Signal Centers provides campers of all abilities with a range of stimulating and creative activities. We provide an awesome program for campers, no matter their interests or camp experience.
Website: Summer Camp | Camps At Signal Centers | Chattanooga
Phone number: 1-423-698-8528
Camp Signal: Children’s Services offers a unique summer camp focusing on social and emotional development through fun projects, and provides age-appropriate activities in art, movement, music, water play, animal therapy, technology and so much more!
Ages: 3-11 years old
Cost: 250/week; scholarships are available
Chatter Camp: serves children ages 5-16 years who are nonverbal or have communication challenges and use augmentative communication devices (talking technology)
Session: June 5th-9th
Summer camp is a unique summer camp for children of all abilities ages 3-11 that specializes in social and emotional development.
2024 Dates:
Session 1: June 12th-16th
Session 2: June 19th-23th
Session 3: June 26th-30th
Session 4: July 10th-14th
Session 5: July 17th-21st
Session 6: July 24th-28th
Vision Academy: designed to provide fun activities that promote independence for children, teenagers, and adults with no or low vision. Campers are introduced to different low vision technologies and learn orientation and mobility skills.
Ages: 16+
2024 Dates: ​
June 24-28
Summer Zoo Camp
Description: Let your children run a little wild during summer camp at the Chattanooga Zoo! Join us for weeks full of animal exploration, scientific discoveries, games, crafts, new friends, up-close animal encounters and a whole lot of FUN! Campers are limited to one session per theme (Animalympics, Campers for Conservation etc.) with a maximum of three sessions over the summer Camp week runs from Monday to Friday After care will be available each day for an additional cost until 5:00PM when the zoo closes. After Care needed per week can be added at registration or on-site.
Save the date - registration opens for Zoo members on February 23 and for non-members on March 1!
Website: https://www.chattzoo.org/education/camps
Location: 301 North Holtzclaw Avenue Chattanooga, TN 37404
Phone: (423) 321-4421
Ages: 1st grade-through 6th
Teens ages 14-18 can become counselors-in-training.
Cost: $208-$400 per week
Aftercare cost: $20 per day or $90 for the week
Dates: June 3rd - August 2nd 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM; Monday- Friday
Creative Discovery Museum, Friends Discover
Description: Summer is all about play, exploration, and camps! Creative Discovery Museum combines all three with multiple opportunities for kids ages four through 14! Our science-based camps are filled with activities that bring science alive for children! Our enthusiastic, experienced staff provides a fun-filled, safe environment for children to embrace the summer camp experience.​
Website: https://www.cdmfun.org/camps​​
Phone: 423-648-6040
Cost: $200- $375
June 17-21
9 a.m. - 12 p.m
4-5 year olds
Young inventors will play, craft, and create in developmentally appropriate ways during this week of fun! 4-5 yr olds
June 24-28
9 a.m. - 12 p.m
4-5 year olds
In this exciting week of exploration crafted just for preschoolers, we'll explore and identify community helpers. Campers will role play different jobs in the community and learn about helping others!
June 17-21
9 a.m. - 3 p.m
Rising 1st-2nd Graders
We'll invent, build, test, iterate, and start the engineering design process all over again. Bring your creativity for a week of fun in Museum exhibits and creating wild inventions with wacky materials.
July 15-19
9 a.m. - 3 p.m
Rising 1st-2nd Graders
Do you love to mix, combine, combust, and activate? Come into our lab, where things can get MESSY! With daily experiments, Museum play, and goop to take home, we know you'll love this sticky, science-y camp.
June 24-28
9 a.m. - 3 p.m
Rising 3rd-5th Graders
Campers in our CDM-based ground team will explore, discover, problem-solve in the Museum and in exciting, hands-on lab activities.
June 3-7 9 a.m. - 1 p.m
June 10-14 | 9 a.m. - 1 p.m
July 8-12 | 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Rising 1st- 8th graders
Friends' Discovery Camp (FDC) is a magical setting where friends with disabilities and their typically developing peers make impactful memories, valuing each other while having outrageous fun together.
Specialty Art Camps- CLAY STUDIO
July 15-19
9 a.m. - 3 p.m
ages 8-12
Young artists will experiment with ways to work with clay, taking home a fired masterpiece. Artmaking experiences in CDM's Art Studio will be balanced with Museum exploration and camp activities for 5 well-rounded days of creativity.
July 22-26
9 a.m. - 3 p.m
ages 8-12
Culinary experiences in CDM's Spark Central kitchen lab will be balanced with Museum exploration and camp activities for 5 well-rounded days of creativity.
CHIPS is hosting a LIVE In-Person "Your Voice Is Power" Summer Camp Tuesday July 23 through Thursday, July 25 from 9 am-12 pm at The Edney Innovation Center, located at 1100 Market Street in the Innovation District of Downtown Chattanooga. All equipment and materials for the in-person camp will be provided. This camp is for people ages 14 to 21 years old.
Please send your registration information as soon as possible. Spaces are limited. Registrations are processed on a first come first serve basis. Child(ren) must have an IEP, 504, or doctor statement regarding disability. Parents must return the permission form to Tekelia Kelly by registration deadline Friday, July 12.
​Website: chipslearning.com
Location: Edney Innovation Center - https://www.theedney.com
Registration form: https://files.constantcontact.com/e8dd2db6001/0fbdff07-333d-4479-94fd-c2240b1ea348.pdf
Phone: (423) 421-5646
Email: tekeliakelly@comcast.net
Dates: 7/23/2024 to 7/25/2024
Cost: Free
Chattanooga State Summer Programs
Description: Chattanooga State Summer Camps offers a variety of summer camp programs such as Baking 101, Build Your Own Video Game, Dance Camp, and more!
Website: Summer Camps (campusce.net)
Phone: (423) 697-3100
Email: EWD@ChattanoogaState.edu
Dates: 6/10/2024-7/26/2024
Cost: $225-$250
Easterseals Tennessee
Description: Easterseals is the largest provider of recreation and camping services for people with disabilities. Our inclusive, recreation camping programs are designed for youth ages 7 -16. Our partner YMCA Camp Widjiwagan, provides the facility, programming, food and housing.
Website: https://www.easterseals.com/tennessee/our-programs/camping-recreation/youth-camps.html
Dates: Monday 9:00 AM - Friday 4:00 PM
Session 1 May 29 - June 2
Session 2 June 5 - June 9
Session 3 June 12 - June 16
Session 4 June 19 - June 23
NO CAMP SESSIONS June 24 - July 9
Session 5 July 10 - July 14
Session 6 July 17 - July 21
Session 7 July 24 - July 28
Session 8 July 31- August 4
Ages: 7-16
$475 per session
$200 per 1:1 Counselor session (There are limited 1:1 spots available at a first come first serve basis.)
Email: To be placed on the Youth Camp information list, please email jhoutman@eastersealstn.com.
Phone: 615-292-6640, opt-2.
Girls Preparatory School Summer Camps
Description: We know you have options for summer activities, but only at GPS will you find camps specially designed for all-day adventure for girls. Half-day camps can be enjoyed by themselves or combined with other camp offerings for an all-day experience.
Website: https://www.gps.edu/camps-clinics-more/summer-at-gps/our-summer-camps/signature-camps
Phone: 423-634-7600
Ages: Pre-K to 6th grade
Adventure Chattanooga
Grades: 4-6
Dates: June 17-21st
Time: 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Cost: $425​
Bruiser Camp
Dates: June 3–7, June 24–28, and July 15-19
Grades: 4-6
Time: 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Cost: $425
Camp Kaliedoscope
Grades: Pre-K-3
Dates: June 3-7, June 10-14, June 24-28, July 8-12, and July 15-19
Time: 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (half-day option available)
Cost: $400 (Full Day); $300 (Half Day)
Discover Camp
Grades: K-3
Dates: June 17 & 18, 20 & 21* (4-day week; no camp on Wednesday)
Time: 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Cost: $425
All Summer Long Camp
Grades: Pre-K-5
Dates: June 3–July 26; off week: July 1-5
Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Cost: $2,750
Summer Celebration Camp
Grades: Pre-K-5
Dates: July 22-26
Time: 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (half-day options available)
Cost: $425 (Full Day); $300 (Half Day)
Hamilton County Summer Reach Program
Description: Enroll your child for four weeks of fun and learning.The Reach program operates Monday through Friday from 8:00 - 2:30 for elementary school and 8:30 am - 1:45 pm for middle school. Dates of operation will be June 3rd through June 28th, with Juneteenth off. The program is entirely free. Students will receive a free lunch every day and transportation will be provided. Each day students will have instruction in reading and math, time for physical activity, and hands-on activities.
Dates: June 3rd-28th
Times: 8:30am - 1:45pm
Grades: Pre k-12th
Cost: FREE
Phone: 423-498-7020
Location: 3074 Hickory Valley Rd Chattanooga, TN 37421
Lakeshore United Methodist Camp & Retreat Center
Description: These camps all provide a variety of activities and experiences. They offer Elementary camp, Jr/Sr high camp, Wilderness camp, Special Need camp, Dayshore, Camp Hope, Parent/Child Weekend, and Counselor Training. Check out their website for more information about dates, prices, and ages.
Website: https://lakeshorecamp.org/summer-camp/
Ages: K-12, Adults
Camp Wonder (special needs adults)- May 27th-31st
Camp Joy (special needs adults)- June 10th-14th
More dates on website
Location: 1458 Pilot Knob Rd
Eva, TN 38333
Phone: (731) 584-6102
Email: office@lakeshorecamp.org
Tennessee Camps for Children with Special Needs
Website: https://www.etch.com/community/summer-camps/​
Location: Kiwanis Club Fresh Air Camp 2400 Prosser Rd, Knoxville, TN 37914
Camp Cure 2024:
Camp Cure provides a safe and fun environment for children with diabetes. Campers enjoy arts and crafts, swimming and sports led by Children's Hospital specialists and camp staff.
Campers are divided into groups based on their grade in school and overall maturity.
Ages: kindergarten - 8th grade
Dates: June 10th- June 14th
8:15 AM - 3:00 PM
Donald M. Gally Summer Camp:
The Donald M. Gally Summer Camp is a day camp for children with special needs. Campers enjoy activities such as arts and crafts, swimming, and outdoor recreational games directed by staff therapists, special education teachers, a camp nurse, and adaptive recreation specialists.
Ages: 5-14 years of age.
Dates: TBA
Camp Eagle's Nest:
Camp Eagle's Nest is home for patients from the Children's Hospital Hematology/Oncology Clinic.
Cost: FREE
(865) 541-8519
Dates: July 28th-Aug 1st, 2024
​8:15 AM to 3:30 PM​
Tennessee Aquarium Summer Camp
Description: Dive in this summer for our new season of Aqua Camp! Join us as we explore the world around us through hands-on animal encounters, Aquarium tours, activities, and so much more.
Website: Summer Camp · Tennessee Aquarium (tnaqua.org)
General Camps – $252 for members / $280 for non-members
Specialty Camps – $337.50 for members / $375 for non-members
Teen Camp – $202.50 for members / $225 for non-members
Pre-K Camp – $108 for members / $120 for non-members
(More details for all camps below)
General Camp – $250 for members / $280 for non-members
Specialty Camp – $345 for members / $375 for non-members
Teen Camp – $345 for members / $375 for non-members
Before Care ($10.00/day) – 7:30 am to 9:00 am
After Care ($10.00/day) – 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Limited scholarship programs available
Times: 9AM-4PM. Aftercare available until 5:30 PM.
Email: summercamp@tnaqua.org
Phone: 423-785-4093
General Camps
Ages: 5-12 years olds.
General campers stay on campus and are a great choice for those who may be first time campers.
Wild Legends
Dates: June 10 – 14 / July 8 – 12
Ages: 5 – 12 years old
Description: Join us as we explore wild and mysterious animal legends. Each day, we will use science to debunk or confirm a new animal myth. We also will explore the Aquarium, engage in fun, animal-themed crafts and activities, and meet our ambassador animals!
Secret Superheroes
Dates: June 17 – 21 / July 15 – 19
Ages: 5 – 12 years old
Description: Not all superheroes wear capes. Sometimes, they have feathers, fur, and scales. This week, we will discover nature’s secret superheroes before becoming one ourselves. We’ll also explore the Aquarium, make fun crafts, perform science experiments, and meet incredible ambassador animals!
Sense-sational Animals
Dates: June 24 – 28 / July 22 – 26
Ages: 5 – 12 years old
Description: Have you ever wondered how a stingray can see prey hidden in the sand or how a bumblebee finds the perfect flower? From locating food to escaping danger, some animals have extraordinary senses that help them survive and thrive. In this sense-sational camp, we’ll explore the Aquarium, conduct science experiments, and meet ambassador animals to learn the unusual ways they see, hear, smell, touch, and taste!
Nature Nuts Dates:
July 1-3, Full-day Option
Ages: 5 – 8 years old
Description: This mini week of camp is perfect for the camper who may be new to the camp experience. For three days we will explore nature through hands-on activities, ambassador animal encounters, crafts, and snack time! Join us as we explore the Aquarium and the natural world around us!
Specialty Camps
Ages: 9-14
Specialty Camps have 3 field trips included. This is a wonderful choice for those adventurous campers!
Trailblazers Dates:
June 10 – 14 / July 8 – 12
Ages: 9 – 12 years old
Description: Spend the week learning how the health of forests benefits our creek and river ecosystems. After exploring the Aquarium and meeting our ambassador animals, we will set out on hiking trails in nearby state parks and national forests to learn about them firsthand. You won’t want to miss out on this outdoor adventure!
Dates: June 24 – 28 / July 22 – 26
Ages: 9 – 14 years old
Description:How are habitats built? We will meet scientists from the Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute to learn how nature’s engineers create a habitat for themselves and other animals and how we can responsibly build around them. During this amazing week of camp, we’ll spend time exploring creeks, meeting our ambassador animals, and experimenting with eco-engineering!
​​Teen Camp
Nature Tech Teens
Dates: July 1 – 3
Ages: 13 – 16 years old
Description: During this mini week of camp, our teens will learn how we use technology to understand the wild world around us. Whether it’s used for tracking animals, testing water quality, or identifying animals, technology is helping advance science. We will tour the Aquarium, meet ambassador animals, and use our tech-savvy skills while hiking through nature and exploring our region’s creeks!
Pre-K Camp
Tiny Tides Pre-K
Dates: July 1 – 3, Half-day Option
8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.​
Ages: 4 – 5 years old
Description: Join us for our new Tiny Tides Pre-K camp. This half-day option is perfect for little ones who want to learn about nature in a fun, safe, and age-appropriate environment. We will explore nature though hands-on activities, ambassador animal encounters, and snack time! Ability to use the restrooms independently is required.
UTC Mocs Adventure Camp
Description: UTC's Mocs Adventure camp let's campers explore Chattanooga while making new friends! With a range of various activities campers can climb, swim, play sports, and enjoy the outdoors.
Ages: K-8th
Mocs Adventure Camp Registration - $300.00 Per Week
Early Drop Off Program - $50.00 Per Week
After Hours Program - $50.00 Per Week
Young Mocs CIT Program - $400.00
Session 1:
Middle Mocs Field Trip: Escape Mission in Northshore
All Camp Field Trip Adventure: Sky Zone Jump Park
Monday, June 3rd - Friday, June 7th
Session 2:
Monday, June 10th - Friday, June 14th
All Camp Field Trip Adventure: Nooga Splash at Chester Frost Park
Middle Mocs Field Trip: Games and Ice Cream at Coolidge Park
Session 3:
Monday, June 17th - Friday, June 21st
All Camp Field Trip Adventure: Bowling at Sparetime
Middle Mocs Field Trip: Games at Southside Social (Tentative)
Session 4:​
All Camp Field Trip Adventure: Skating at Hamilton Place
Middle Mocs Field Trip: Games and Ice Cream at Coolidge Park
Monday, June 24th - Friday, June 28th
Session 5:
Monday, July 8th - Friday, July 12th
All Camp Field Trip Adventure: Bowling at Sparetime
Middle Mocs Field Trip: Games at Southside Social (Tentative)
Session 6:
Monday, July 15th - Friday, July 19th
All Camp Field Trip Adventure: Skating at Hamilton Place
Middle Mocs Field Trip: Games and Ice Cream at Coolidge Park
Session 7:
Monday, July 22nd - Friday, July 26th
All Camp Field Trip Adventure: Nooga Splash at Chester Frost Park
Middle Mocs Field Trip: Games at Southside Social (Tentative)
Session 8
Monday, July 29th - Friday, August 2nd
All Camp Field Trip Adventure: Sky Zone Jump Park
Middle Mocs Field Trip: Escape Mission in Northshore
If you have any questions about our Mocs Adventure Camp, please contact the Assistant Director of Programs and Engagement: Craig Gosnell
Phone: (423) 425-4213 opt 8.
Email: Craig-Gosnell@utc.edu
YMCA Day Camp
Description: Kids need an enriching and UNPLUGGED summer experience like never before! The Y offers your child a well-rounded camp experience with activities such as swimming, indoor & outdoor games, arts & crafts, fun and engaging learning opportunities, and more! Campers will embark on new adventures, forge friendships and build confidence all summer long! Lunch and morning snack provided by the YMCA. Financial assistance is available.
Website: https://www.ymcachattanooga.org/summer-camps​
Ages: 5-12
Pre-camp drop off: 7 - 9 a.m.
Day camp hours: 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.
After camp hours: 4 -6 p.m.
Members: $160/week
Non-members: $215/week
May 28-31
Value Week
June 3-7
Fun & Fitness
June 10-14
All Star
June 17-21
Great Outdoors
June 24-28
Space is the Place
July 1-5* (no camp on July 4)
Wild West
July 8-12
Grow With Us
July 15-19
Splish Splash
July 22-26
Mad Science
July 29-Aug. 2
Camp Widjiwagan
Description: Camp Widjiwagan is a part of the YMCA program. They offer traditional days camps, specialty camps, and overnight camps. Check the link below for more information about each day offered,
Website: https://www.campwidji.org/summer-camps
Ages: 3-17
Cost: $425-1200
Dates: ​
May 27 - May 31st
Jun 03 - Jun 7
Jun 10 - Jun 14
Jun 17 - Jun 21
Jun 24 - Jun 28th
Jul 01 - Jul 05
Jul 08 - Jul 12
Jul 15 - Jul 19
Jul 22 - Jul 26
Jul 29 - Aug 02
Downside Up
Description: Our camps provide opportunities for boys and girls of all abilities to explore, grow, create, and learn through a wide array of engaging programs. Led by certified teachers and dynamic counselors, campers will enjoy a variety of indoor and outdoor activities which involve team building, music, science, art, & recreation. Half day and full day options are available for some camps. Each day includes an engaging theme, with focuses on communication, social-emotional learning, and developmental opportunities that are rarely available for campers with disabilities and multiple diagnoses.
Attention — all our summer camps will be held at our temporary location: Members can register February 10th — nonmembers registration opens March 1st
June 10-14 for PreK-3rd (9am-noon or 9am-3pm)
June 17-21 for PreK-3rd (9am-noon only)
June 24-28 for 4th-8th graders (9am-3pm)
July 8-12 for PreK-3rd (9-noon or 9am-3pm)
July 22-26 for 4th-8th graders (9am-3pm)
Ages: Pre K-8th
9am-12pm $185 a week for nonmembers / $145 a week for members
9am-3pm $300 a week for nonmembers / $245 a week for member
Location: 2232 Lyndon Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37415
Email: downsideupinc@gmail.com
Website: https://www.downsideupinc.org/camp/2024/6/10/summer-camps-2024
Treehouse Therapy Camps
Nature Camp Dates (Monday-Friday):
June 3-7 Ages 3-6
June 10-14 Elementary ages
June 24-28 Ages 3-6
Cost: $250
Location: Bachman Community Center, 2815 Anderson Pike, Signal Mountain
Handwriting Camp Dates (Monday-Friday):
June 17-21
9-10:30 (Ages 4-6)
11-12:30 (Ages 6-9)
Location: Treehouse Therapy Clinic, 1309 Taft Hwy Ste. 121, Signal Mountain
This is an inclusive camp, led by occupational therapists, for children of ALL abilities!
Phone: (423)-708-4445
Email: erin@treehousetherapytn.com
Link for more details and to register:
Skyuka Hall Summer Camp
Description: Our unique program takes place over a four-week period in June and provides an intensive time of remediation and/or acceleration in Reading, Writing, and Math. Our summer begins with an assessment to pinpoint those specific areas of need your student has in all three of these academic areas. We will then tailor a plan to remediate those areas identified in the assessment. If your student does not require remediation we will develop a plan to accelerate them. Students always enjoy this time of learning and it certainly helps to alleviate summer lag.
Dates: June 3 – June 27 Monday – Thursday
Time: Morning Program 8:30 – 12:00
Cost: $1,600
Location: 5600 Brainerd Road Suite A-24, Chattanooga, TN 37411
Website: https://www.skyukahall.org/about/school-calendar?cal_date=2022-06-01
For more information call: 423-877-9711
Overnight Camps
Tennessee Valley Railroad Rail Camp
Description: We are looking forward to another fun and exciting summer! Please look over our schedule and choose the session that’s best for you. Overnight Camp is limited to a maximum of 10 campers per session.
Please contact Charles Googe, Camp Director, for any other questions or concerns at cgooge@tvrail.com.
Website: Railroad Summer Camp | Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum (tvrail.com)
Ages: 10+
Day Camp $425
Overnight Camp $1,150
Session 1 – Day Camp (10-12 years old) May 27 – May 31, 2024- $425.00
Session 2 – Day Camp (13-17 years old) June 3-7 , 2024- $425.00
Session 3 – Day Camp (13-17 years old) June 10-14, 2024- $425.00
Session 4 – Overnight Camp (13-17 years old) June 24-29, 2024- $1,150.00
Session 5 – Overnight Camp (13-17 years old) July 1-6, 2024- $1,150.00
Camp Dream
Camp Dream offers a unique overnight Summer Camp program designed for children and young adults with moderate to severe physical and developmental disabilities. 2024 Camper registration is now open. All applicants should receive a response by May 30, 2024.
Please contact the Camp Director at 678-367-0040 for all Summer Camp session inquiries.
Website: https://www.campdreamga.org/summer-camp
Ages: 3+
1st Session:
Friday July 12th - Tuesday July 16th
2nd Session:
Tuesday July 16th - Saturday July 20th
Camp Ocoee
Each day at Camp Ocoee is carefully planned to allow each camper to develop skills through instructional activity times and also foster a strong sense of community through several camp activity periods where they interact with other cabins.
Payment Plans and Financial Assistance available to all, please call 423-338-5588 or email info@campocoee.com to set up a payment plan.
Website: https://www.ymcacampocoee.org/registration-information
Cost: $700 (ranger camp), $1210 (CIT teen leadership academy)
Ages: 7-12 (Younger camp program), 13-16 (Older camp program), 11-12th grade (CIT)
Ranger 1
June 2-8
Ranger 2
June 9-15
Ranger 3
June 16-22
Ranger 4
June 23-29
Ranger 5
June 30- July 6
Ranger 6
July 7-13
Ranger 7
July 14-20
Ranger 8
July 21-27
June 2-15
June 16-29
June 30- July 13
July 14-27
June 9-22
$1300 ​
Sparrowwood at Camp Glisson
Description: Sparrowwood is a chance for campers with different developmental needs to be accepted for who they are and celebrated for all they have to offer. Focusing on abilities rather than disabilities fosters the shared sense of radical acceptance that helps define the Glisson experience. Campers are not only included in the greater camp community by being part of Village living groups and visiting Outpost, but they also lead the way at can’t-miss events like Sparrowwood chapel, dance, and talent show – causing all involved to see we are more alike than we are different.
Website: http://glisson.org/sparrowwood/
Dates: May 26-31, June 2-7, June 9-14, June 16-21, June 23-28, June 20- July 5, July 7-12, July 14-19, July 21-26
Ages: Youth (11-17), Young adult (18-39), Adult (40-60)
Cost: $910 (tiered pricing)
Location: 690 Camp Glisson Road
Dahlonega, Georgia 30533
For more dates and info contact us at info@glisson.org or 706-864-6181
Tailsman Program
Description: Talisman Programs provide specialized camp experiences for young people ages 6 to 22 with autism spectrum disorders, ADHD and/or other learning differences. Since 1980, our ACA-accredited ADHD, autism and Aspergers summer camp programs have been delivering unique alternatives to ordinary summer camps. Our progressive adventure programs help our campers build success while increasing social skills, a sense of personal responsibility, confidence, and a more positive self-image.
Website: https://talismancamps.com/
Phone: call 828-697-6313 to see if spaces remain and to select the best program for your child. Enrollment is limited.
Ages: 6-22
SESSION 1: June 11-23
Base Camp Programs $4,160
Mini Camp Programs ​ $2135.00​​​
SESSION 2: June 26-July 2
Base Camp Programs​
Cost: $2450
SESSION 3: July 6-18
Base Camp Programs
Cost: $4,160
Teen Adventure Camp
Cost: $4,550
SESSION 4: July 21-August 2
Base Camp Programs
Cost: $4,160
Teen Adventure Camp
Cost: $4,550​​
SESSION 5: August 5-11
Mini Camp Programs ​
Cost: $2,450
Joni and Friends Family Retreat
Description: At both U.S. and International Family Retreats, persons with disability and their families receive encouragement and care in the comfort of a safe and accessible family camp environment. Enjoy fully accessible and age-appropriate fun activities, be nourished by hearty home-style meals, and glean from meaningful conversations from a network of families who understand the challenges of life with disability.
​For more information call Joni and Friends- (818) 707-5664 or visit their website http://www.joniandfriends.org/
Dates and Prices are on website.
Tennessee Family Retreat 2 | Joni and Friends: Family Retreat offers a haven for families living with disability. This retreat will provide a fun, accessible, Christ-centered experience for each member of the family.
Dates: June 11, 2024- June 15th 2024
Family Cost: $475-$495
Location: The Country Place Retreat Center 1850 Price Road, Moscow, TN, United States​
Camp Discovery
Description: Camp Discovery serves people with disabilities ages 7 – 90 who want to experience the wonders of summer camp. Campers will participate in such activities as: arts and crafts, hiking, music, games, contests, sports, campfires, dancing, movies, cabin activities, and swimming. All activities will be planned to accommodate changes in weather conditions. Registration for camp begins March 1!
Website: https://campdiscoverytn.org/summer-camp/
Cost: $575
Location: 400 Camp Discovery Lane, Gainesboro, TN 38562
Dates: Registration will open on March 1st, 2024.
Camping Dates:
Week 1: June 09 – June 14
Week 2: June 23 – June 28
Week 3: June 30 -- July 5
Week 4: July 7 – July 12 (Junior Week)
Week 5: July 14 – July 19
Week 6: July 21 - 26
For more information call; Chester Lowe, Vice-President at 615-504-1727.​
Other contact information: 931-268-0239, director@jayceecamp.org
Baylor School Summer Camps
Description: Join Baylor Summers for a unique camp experience that provides opportunities for campers of all ages to improve their skills, pursue new interests, make new friends, and have fun! Campers will explore Baylor’s 690-acre campus situated on the Tennessee River and utilize our premier athletic facilities throughout camp. Enjoy the best of Baylor as our coaches, teachers, and students combine their expertise and passion for working with children to create a memorable summer of fun. We hope to see you in summer 2024!
Website: http://www.baylorschool.org/summer/index.aspx
All Sports Day Camp
Dates: May 28 - July 19, 2024
morning sessions, afternoon sessions, and full-day camps
Ages: 8-14
Camp Walkabout (Outdoor Adventure Camp)
Check out the website for more information about dates and costs!
Day & overnight options
Ages: Rising 3rd grade - 16 years old
Enrichment Day Camps
From LEGO® to jewelry design, to dance and design labs, our popular enrichment camps provide kids the opportunity to try cool new experiences on our amazing campus. Our excellent camper-to-staff ratio also ensures that each camper has a high level of interaction and supervision.
Dates: May 28th- 31st
Check out the website for more information about costs.
Raider Day Camps
Raider Days gives 5–11-year-old campers the opportunity to enjoy a variety of activities and explore Baylor’s picturesque 690-acre campus.
Check out the website for more information about dates and costs.
​If you have questions, feel free to email summers@baylorschool.org, or call 423-757-2616.
McCallie School Summer Camp
​Description: McCallie offers a wide variety of summer camps and programs. The Boarding Camps, for boys only, include McCallie Sports Camp, Lacrosse Camp, Soccer Camp, Tennis Camp, Father-Son Weekend, Leadership Camp. There is also a wide variety of day camps, for an extensive list view the link for the Summer Camp Master Schedule or visit their website. The camps are held at McCallie School located in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Day Camps
All McCallie Summer Camps begin at 9:00AM with Early Drop Off between 8:00AM and 9:00AM for no extra charge
$25 registration fee
Boarding Camps​
For all McCallie Boarding Camps there is a deposit of $250.
Sports Camp​
McCallie Sports Camp is an action-oriented boarding camp for boys ages 9-14.
MSC 1: Mon. June 10 – Sat. June 22
MSC 2: Mon. June 24 – Sat. July 6
MSC 3: Mon. July 8 – Sat. July 20 ​ -
Cost: $3800
To look at different camps click this link, http://mccalliesummercamps.com/
For more information call (423) 493-5886 or email camps@mccallie.org
Day Camps registration: ACTIVE | McCallie Summer Programs
Boarding Camps: ACTIVE | McCallie Summer Programs
Sports Camps: ACTIVE | McCallie Summer Programs
Victory Junction
Description: Our Traditional Summer Camp programs are overnight programs designed specifically for individual campers between the ages of 6-16 to come to experience the magic of Victory Junction with other kids just like them! These programs are run by a wonderful group of summer staff, volunteers, full-time staff, and medical professionals! Check out the website for eligibility requirements and more information on vaccine requirements. Summer 2024 applications are now open!
Website: https://victoryjunction.org/camperzone-summercamp/
Ages: 6-16
Session 1 – Bleeding/GI:
June 9-13
Session 2 – Cerebral Palsy:
June 16-20
Session 3 – Sickle Cell/Oncology:
June 23-27
Session 4 – Neuro/Genetics:
June 30 – July 3
Session 5 – Physical Disabilities/Craniofacial:
July 7-11
Session 6 – Heart/Lung/Kidney:
July 14-18
Session 7 – Spina Bifida/Neuromuscular/Skeletal Dysplasia:
July 21-25
Session 8 – Rheumatology/Immunology/General Session:
July 28 – August 1
Session 9 – American Diabetes Association Partnership Week:
August 4-8*
Equestrian Camps
Mending Arrow Ranch
Description: The goal at Mending Arrow Ranch is to provide a safe haven for our students. Each child has to deal with their own set of unique challenges. We want to give these children a way to experience healing and personal growth through the interactions with our horses.
All sessions are private – One on One with instructor. This way every lesson is adapted to each child’s individual’s needs.
Dream Catchers
behavioral issues, anxiety, depression, and/or emotional stressors.
ages 2-16
60-minute sessions once per week
4 Directions​
girls ages 8-18 years old
issues they may be facing in their environments including home, school, and social settings.
90-minute sessions once per week.
Brave Ones
ages 2-21
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Development Delays, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, Epilepsy, Traumatic Brain Injury, and many others.
This is a 12 week program that happens twice a year (spring and fall). The students come for a 60 minute session
For more information about Mending Arrow Ranch visit their website: http://mendingarrowranch.org/.
Contact information: (423) 305-5586 or email info@MendingArrowRanch.org
Scenic City Equestrian
Description: We offer professional boarding, riding and related horse services to the greater Chattanooga area.
Website: https://www.sceniccityequestrian.com/summer-camps
Ages: 6+, depending on the session
ages 6 & up
ages 10 & up
ages 6 & up
ages 10 & up
ages 6 & up
ages 10 & up
ages 6 & up
SpiritHorse Horseback Riding Day Camp at Freedom Ranch
Description: SpiritHorse is an “all abilities” riding program. Horseback riding has been proven to help improve confidence, motor skills, social skills, and is a great recreational activity! Horses stimulate the senses in a number of ways that are beneficial for people with certain disorders, such as Autism. The rider’s vision, hearing, sense of touch, and smell are all stimulated by the sounds, smells, and feels of the horse itself. Our goal is for each camper, at their own pace, to gain a deeper understanding of themself and their relationship with other people in a healthy, natural setting. Emphasizing a friendly and noncompetitive environment, we aim to provide camp memories that serve as inner resources for building character later in life.
May 27th – May 31st
June 3rd – June 7th
June 10th – 14th
June 17th – June 21st
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Must be Registered in Advance
Website: https://www.freedomranchga.com
To register or for more details, contact Ginger Brown 423-421-3205, or email ginger@freedomranchga.com
Tri-State Therapeutic Riding Center
Description: Provides equine assisted therapies to individuals of all ages with physical, mental and emotional disabilities in a structured riding environment. Tri-State Therapeutic Riding Center offers the Reinbow Riders Program for individuals with disabilities, the Taking the Lead Equine Assisted Learning Program for At-Risk Youth, and the Horses 4 Heroes Veterans Program. The center provides court ordered community service opportunities for juveniles and is primarily ran by volunteer support. Tri-State Therapeutic Riding Center is the only PATH International Center in the Chattanooga/Cleveland area and is home to the Area 4 Special Olympics
Camps days run 9am - 2pm. There is no childcare for before or after camp sessions.
June 10-13
Whether you are new to riding and excited to learn about what is out there or have been riding for years and want to try something new, put on your boots and come down to discipline discovery camp! English, western, driving, you name it, we are excited to provide campers to discover the equestrian possibilities!
June 17-20
Learn how some of the many mounted games are played on horseback... better yet, COME PLAY them! Games will be offered for all skill levels so don't hesitate to join the fun.
July 8-11
Have you ever wondered what goes into horse training and how the Tri-State Therapeutic Riding horses turned out to be such rockstars? Join us as we explore foundational principles and activities of basic horse training! Students will enjoy ground work, mounted riding, and self awareness exploration as the joy of horse training can relate to many crucial therapeutic and life themes.
• Each camp week is $285 per child
• $100 deposit is required to hold spot
• Final balance due by May 31, 2024
For more information call (423)339-2517 or visit their website: https://www.tristatetherapeuticriding.org
Sports Camps
Green's Karate
Description: Our positive and productive family environment changes lives in dramatic ways over the short, mid and long-term training process. Karate and martial arts training nearly all day! Please register soon than later as our
camps fill up fast and is limited to 20 campers. Late pick and early drop off arrangements are available!
Website: https://www.greenskarate.com/
Cost: TBA
Dates:​ TBA
For more information call (423) 405-3656 or email greenskarate@gmail.com
Location: 5319 Ringgold Road Suite "G" Chattanooga, TN 37412
FREE Kids Summer Bowling
Description: Select bowling centers and schools around the country are participating in the “Kids bowl free” program. This program is designed by bowling centers to give back to the community and provide a safe, secure, and fun way for kids to spend time. Click the link below to sign up!
Cost: FREE
Dates: April 30th- September 29th
Age: 2-15 yrs old
Location: Spare Time (Chattanooga and Hixon)
For more information call (423) 710-3530
More Information at https://www.kidsbowlfree.com/index.php
Scholarship Funds
Family Support Program
The Family Support Program provides funds for families who have kids with disabilities. These state funds can often be used to pay for summer camp fees. Click here to download the application and find out if you are eligible for funding. Or, call 423-664-5120.
Although applications are accepted year-round, open application period is January 1st through April 15th of every year. The fiscal year 2024-2025 will begin July 1, 2024 and end June 30,
2025. Funding will not be available until after July 1, 2024.
Activity Tree
Description: The largest online resource for U.S. parents to find information on ONLY kid’s classes, camps, sports leagues, party places and fun spots. Our mission is to make it easy and affordable to get our nation’s children active in both body and mind. We offer parents an extensive, user-friendly marketplace to find activity information. Search by zip code, city or activity. We have deals! Several of our activity provider partners offer discounts on their programs. We fund and administer an activity scholarship program. ActivityTree makes it easier than ever before to get kids active!
Website: www.activitytree.com
American Camp Association Southeastern Camp Directory
Description: Online search for camps accredited by the American Camp Association.
Website: http://find.acacamps.org/
AFFIRM Respite Programs
Description: Provides respite for families who have children with emotional/behavioral problems. To meet criteria, the family must reside in Hamilton County. Additionally, the child needs to have a documented mental health diagnosis or be demonstrating behavioral/emotional problems. If the child does not have a diagnosis, we administer the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and determine if they meet criteria for the program, based on their score. We can provide the respite service in the home or in the community, depending on the needs of the family and the functioning level of the child. A goal of our program is to try to help the family line up long-term respite resources, since our services last only 8-12 weeks for 2-4 hours per week.
Website: http://lifelinefamilies.org/project-affirm-caregivers-planned-respite-program/