Autism Center
10th Annual Chattanooga Autism Conference
10th Annual Chattanooga Autism Conference
Registration Closed
(Para información en español, haga clic aquí)
28 different presentations! Over 70 exhibitors! 5 CME credits! Lunch included! TASL Approved!
When: Friday May 3, 2019
Where: Chattanooga Convention Center, located at 1150 Carter Street, Chattanooga, TN 37402
Agenda: Click here to download a draft!
Spanish Track Agenda: Agenda de presentaciones en Espanol
Registration: CLOSED. Call 423-531-6961, opt. 2 with questions.
Registration deadline is Sunday April 28th. You cannot register at event.
Special Hotel Rate: The Chattanoogan is offering a special rate of $139 for conference attendees. Book online using the code "CAC" or call (800) 619-0018 and ask for the special CAC group rate. Click to download detailed room booking instructions.
Fee Waivers: There are fee waivers for individuals and families experiencing economic hardships. To inquire, email Dave Buck at dave@chattanoogaautismcenter.org or call 423-531-6961 opt 4. Those who receive the waiver will be asked to provide some demographic data and complete a survey after the conference. The fee waiver is made possible by a grant from Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities.
Exhibitors: Room for over 70 autism-related exhibitors, including service providers and those who sell autism-related products.
CEUs: Clinicians and certain professionals like Social Workers, Nurses, PTs, OTs, COTAs can register to receive official CEUs supplied from the University of Tennessee Chattanooga.
Certificates of Attendance: We will provide free "certificates of attendance" to attendees at the end of the conference. These certificates are often used by teachers who can usually turn them in to receive credit for professional development.
TASL credit: This conference counts for 5 TASL credits. Register as an individual. We will provide a sign-up sheet at the conference if you're an education admin in TN so you get your credits. TASL requires us to issue attendance certificates at least one day after the final session has ended as leaders will be unable to access the event prior to that date.
CMEs: This year is our first time hosting a medical track that will offer 5 CMES for medical professionals. CMEs have a different price which is listed on the registration page. This track is going to be incredible, filled with the information and topics the staff in our region want to learn today.​​
Conference Poster: Help us spread the word! Download, print, and share our conference posters! Or, come pick up a stack at the Chattanooga Autism Center: 1400 McCallie Ave, Suite 114, Chattanooga, TN 37404.
Click here to download the agenda for the Spanish Track / Agenda de presentaciones en Espanol
Click here to download a poster to take to your pediatrician or other medical clinic
Want to volunteer to bring posters to your school? Click here and review the list of locations we need to go yet.
OTHER DETAILS: Check-in opens at 7:45. First talks start at 8:30. Lunch is provided. There are 10 or 15 minute breaks between workshops. No keynote at lunch this year. We'll have short announcements, door prizes, and awards. During lunch, attendees can network, visit exhibitors, and enjoy the break. There will be a silent auction and merchandise available. We'll have more updates about parking options, hotel options, etc...
AMA Credit Designation: The University of Tennessee College of Medicine (UTCOM) designates this live activity for a maximum of 5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits . Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Continuing Education for Non-Physicians: The UTCOM will issue Certificates of Participation to non-physicians for participating in this activity and designates it for CEUs using the national standard that 1 hour of educational instruction is awarded .1 CEU.
Accreditation: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint providership of the UTCOM and the Chattanooga Autism Center. The UTCOM is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.