Autism Center

September 2024 Conference Registration
Registration Deadline: August 30
We will not have late or onsite registration.
Registration Rates
Early Bird Registration Rates (register by August 6):
$60 - Individual
$80 - Individual needing CEUs (see this page for details)
$110 - Family of 2-5*
$45 - Student
Regular Registration Rates (after August 6):
$70 - Individual
$90 - Individual needing CEUs (see this page for details)
$130 - Family of 2-5*
$55 - Student
*Family: This registration type is meant to encourage multiple members of a family to experience this event together. You can pay one fee and register yourself and up to 4 additional relatives in one transaction.
Fee Discounts & Waivers (FULL)
We have exceeded our budget for fee waivers this year and cannot offer more free registrations. ​
Group Registration (CLOSED)